The Allen County Department of Planning Services (6th floor City/County Building).
Adoption Timeline:
Plan-it Allen! staff presented the final draft of the Plan Chapters to the Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) for final review and comment on June 28, 2006. Staff then presented the plan to over 30 stakeholder groups. The result of the stakeholder meetings led to some minor language modifications in some of the objectives and strategies of the plan. These changes along with the Executive Summary chapter were taken back to the Comprehensive Plan Committee on January 12, 2007. The draft plan was then presented at several community meetings in late January. The timeline for County, City and Town final review and adoption of the plan was as follows:
February 19: Fort Wayne Plan Commission public hearing
February 26: Fort Wayne Plan Commission recommendation ("Do Pass" recommendation )
March 20: Fort Wayne City Council Discussion
March 21: Allen County Plan Commission public hearing ("Do Pass" recommendation)
March 27: Fort Wayne City Council approval
March 30: Allen County Commissioners discussion and approval
May 1: Monroeville Town Council discussion and approval
May 7: Woodburn City Council discussion and approval
June 13: Grabill Town Council discussion and approval
September 4: Huntertown Town Council discussion and approval
Do you have questions about Plan-it Allen!?
Frequently Asked Questions
Would your group like to know more about Plan-it Allen! ?
If your group or organization would like to know more about Plan-it Allen! we would be pleased to have a speaker come to you to talk about this endeavor and answer questions. We invite you to contact Jane Yoh at 427-2175 to make arrangements for a speaker.