
The following table represents the time frames for project phases and tasks.   Please refer to the Calendar of Events for specific dates and times for upcoming meetings and events.

Comprehensive Plan Timeline


Time Frame

Phase 1: Project Set-Up


1.1  Contracting


1.2  Organization of Committees


1.3  Planning Area Tour

Late 2/04

1.4  Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting 1

Late 2/04

Phase 2: Visioning


2.1 Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting 2

Mid 3/04 (3/10/04)

2.2 Vision Work Group Workshop

Mid 4/04

2.3 Preparation of Publicity Material

3/04 - mid 4/04

2.4 Distribution of Publicity Material

Mid 3/04 - Mid 4/04

2.5 Community Meetings (7)

Mid 5/04

2.6 Goal Writing Workshop (Vision Work Group)

Early 7/04

2.7 Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting 3

Late 7/04

2.8 Adopting Bodies Meeting

Late 10/04

2.9 Elected Officials/Community Rep Roundtable

Mid 2/05

2.10 Joint Commission Meeting 1

Mid 2/05

Phase 3: Existing Conditions and Trends


3.1 Existing Plans and Reports

Mid 1/04 - mid 2/04

3.2 Base Mapping

1/04 - 2/04

3.3 Data Gathering

Mid 1/04 - 3/04

3.4 Data Analysis


3.5 Findings

Mid 4/04-5/04

3.6 Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting 4-6

8/04- late 11/04

3.6a Comprehensive Plan Committee Workshop

Mid 2/05

3.6b Public Open Houses

Early 2/05

3.7 Adopting Bodies Meeting

Mid 2/05

Phase 4: Drafting the Plan Policies


4.1 Preliminary Scenario

Mid 2/05-Mid 9/05

4.2 Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting 8

Late 3/05

4.3 Community Choices Workshops

Mid 4/05

4.4 Elected Officials Roundtable 2

Mid 4/05

4.5 Element Work Groups

Mid 4/05

4.6 Adopting Bodies Meeting

Mid 4/05

4.7 Drafting the Plan

Mid 8/05-Mid 3/06

4.8 Comp Plan Committee Workshops

Late 6/06

4.9 Community Meeting

Late 1/07

4.10 Joint Plan Commission Meeting

4.11 Comprehensive Plan Committee Approval


Phase 5: Adoption

Mid 06

5.1 Adopting Bodies Meetings

2/19/07 (City)  3/21/07 (County)

5.2 Plan Commission Action

2/26/07 (City)  3/21/07 (County) 

5.3 County and City Adoption

3/27/07 (City) 3/30/07 (County)


Comprehensive Plan Committee

The Comprehensive Plan Committee is a 16 member advisory committee comprised of 8 representatives from the City of Fort Wayne and 8 representatives from Allen County.  The purpose of this committee is to provide project leadership and guide the planning process.  This group is intended to be a working group, with the assistance of City and County staffs.  The major tasks of the committee are to analyze, prioritize, and balance community issues.  The committee will react to concepts and draft documents from the consultant, develop alternative themes, select and refine preferred themes, act as a sounding board for the consultant and propose balance positions to resolve conflicting points of view.  It is anticipated that the committee will meet once a month over an 18 month period. 

Administrative Committee

The Administrative Committee is a 4 person committee selected from the members of the Comprehensive Plan Committee.  The purpose of this committee is to provide project management support for the comprehensive plan process.  The major administrative tasks of this committee are to: monitor the consultant's contract, provide guidance for addressing political issues, and recommend members for other supporting committees.  The committee will meet as needed and the consultant will meet with them as requested by the staff.

Comprehensive Plan Subcommittees will be broken down into the following topic areas:

The Vision Work Group

The vision work group is proposed to consist of 100 or more people.  This large diverse group would be made up of youth and adults representing Allen County / Fort Wayne's population.  This group, which will include the Steering Committee members, will meet three times starting during the planning process.   

Plan Element Work Groups

These work groups are to be more informal and are proposed to be structured and guided by the consultant but facilitated by County/City planning staffs.  These groups will provide important input into the plan based on the following plan elements:

  • Land Use
  • Transportation
  • Public and Private Facilities
  • Community Facilities
  • Housing/Neighborhoods
  • Economic Development
  • Environmental Stewardship

Groups are proposed to consist of 5 to 10 members each and represent varying community interests.  Membership could include builders/developers, neighborhood representatives, environmentalists, social service agencies, transportation planners, business owners, etc.  These groups will meet several times during the Visioning and Data Gathering phases of the plan and will be given the task of identifying issues, providing guidance, and assisting in the development of data and maps for their specific plan element area. 


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